(1829–1890), co-founder of the Salvation Army with her husband William (1871–1955), English engineer and inventor of the vacuum cleaner (born 1989), American jazz pianist (1864–1949), American publisher and philanthropist (1812–1904), Abolitionist (1843–1910), Australian-born American actress, sister-in-law of Edwin and John Wilkes (1831–1889), American editor, translator and writer, first editor-in-chief of Harper's Bazaar (1828-1899), English founder of eponymous supermarket (1918–2009), British electrical engineer, physicist and computer scientist (1924–2003), English mycologist and phytopathologist (1651–1694), 1st Earl of Warrington, Member of Parliament, Privy Councillor, supporter of William of Orange in the Revolution of 1688, Mayor of Chester and author