WICKS TOIL SPOIL RECOIL TURMOIL SOFTBOIL HYDROFOIL NATIVESOIL LONDONBROIL All of these answers draw their "OIL" from the base of the menorah, so they get entered like this, with each answer reading down L NO HAN SYTD TODIO RUFRVN SERTOEB TPCMBFSR ======== ===OIL== ======== LAMPS HYDROFLUORIC LONDON BRIDGE NATIVE SONS RECTIFY SOFTBALLS SPOKES TURMERIC TUXEDO Each of these answers starts with the letters from one of the wicks, and continues "below" the oil: L NO HAN SYTD TODIO RUFRVN SERTOEB TPCMBFSR L U U XOTEAO I EKIRLROD DEFILING OSYCSCSE Copything the letters, and noticing the word running across the bottom of the grid, one gets the answer: Why were the Temple records a mess when the Maccabees arrived? Because the idolatrous Greek soldiers had been DEFILING them.